Firstly, I am now 'carbon neutral'. Discovering the excellent Zerofootprint calculator over at Facebook (CarbonCounter.org also have an excellent personal emissions calculator if you want to have a look yourself) I set a goal of becoming carbon neutral (that is reducing and off setting as much carbon as I was producing) within a month. For this I needed the help of my (now extremely good) friend, Mr Bill Oddie.
Mr Oddie assured me that by buying a single tree I could offset over 730kg of CO2, so I headed over to TreeAppeal with my Barclays banking card and my Carbon Footprint report and proceeded to save the earth with my hard earned cash.
Let it not be said that I do nothing for this planet. As well as buying trees, not owning a car and using public transport to get me everywhere, I also went out of my way to replace all of my bulbs with energy efficient ones (not a self serving act, the massive savings I have been promised on this years electricity bill never even crossed my mind as I was replacing them!).
So what else has happened since last we spoke? As well as going green Fran and I were fortunate enough to contribute towards Frans mum raising a not unimpressive £625 for Cancer Research UK by taking part in two 'Race for Life' events.
The Next Event
But what do we have in store as we pass the halfway mark in our 'Charity Year'?
Having not yet managed to convince Fran to take part in a skydive we are going solo to once again conquer some of the highest peaks in England and walk the first day of the Pennine Way in record time. This time we are attempting a longer distance of 20 miles through terrain varying from ridiculously uphill to entirely vertical.
So, as we collect our kit and ensure this time around that our waterproofs are actually capable of keeping out water we will once again be making the rounds to try and steal the very money from your pockets.
The exciting news this time around is that because the event is a lot more ambitious than our previous attempt we are going the whole nine yards and presenting our run-up to the event (including training) in a shiny, new Podcast format which you can download to your iPod or similar. This will shortly be available from this website and an updated post will be included once this happens.
Until then you can sponsor us via www.justgiving.com/benfran
Check back soon!